Saturday, September 7, 2024

Supplemental Oxygen For Central Sleep Apnea

The Following Possible Treatment Options For Csas Related To End Stage Renal Disease May Be Considered: Cpap Supplemental Oxygen Bicarbonate Buffer Use During Dialysis And Nocturnal Dialysis

Oxygen Trial for Central sleep apnea

Values and Trade-offs: At this time, the level of evidence is very low and the estimate of benefits vs. harms is unclear regarding any specific mode of therapy in ESRD patients with CSAS therefore, an OPTION level of recommendation has been accorded. However, despite the very low level of evidence, it is clear that bicarbonate buffer is preferable during hemodialysis in these patients. Further studies are needed to elucidate the role of oxygen, CPAP, bicarbonate buffer use during dialysis, and nocturnal hemodialysis in patients with ESRD.

What Is The Treatment For Central Sleep Apnea

The key to treating central sleep apnea is addressing any underlying health issues that are causing the condition. The type of treatment for central sleep apnea depends on the category and subtype of central sleep apnea. For example, steps may be taken to mitigate congestive heart failure. Those on opioids or other respiratory-depression medications may gradually reduce and taper off the medications. If at high altitude, the individual can trek back to sea level. In many cases, focusing on the coexisting problem can relieve or eliminate abnormal breathing during sleep.

For many patients with central sleep apnea, the use of CPAP or BiPAP machines can decrease cessations in respiration. Supplemental oxygen may be used in a similar way.

In 2017, the Food and Drug Administration approved an implantable device that stimulates breathing-related muscles as a treatment for CSA. This treatment has shown promise in improving breathing and sleep quality in some research studies.

Depending on a persons situation, a combination of treatments may be used in order to best address their symptoms. A healthcare provider with a specialty in sleep medicine would be best to review the benefits and side effects of various treatment options for central sleep apnea.

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How Is Central Sleep Apnea Treated

To treat central sleep apnea, your doctor may:

  • Treat the underlying causes such as heart failure or stroke
  • Reduce or change medications that may be responsible
  • Order continuous positive airway pressure , adaptive servo-ventilation or bilateral positive airway pressure techniques, which involve wearing a mask over your nose and receiving pressurized air to keep your airway open and prevent pauses in breathing.
  • Order medications that stimulate breathing
  • Recommend supplemental oxygen through devices that deliver oxygen to your lungs while you are asleep
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What To Expect From Your Doctor

Your doctor is likely to ask you a number of questions. Being ready to answer them may reserve time to go over any points you want to spend more time on. Your doctor may ask:

  • When did you begin experiencing symptoms?
  • Have your symptoms been continuous or do they come and go?
  • Can you describe your typical sleep schedule?
  • How long do you sleep, and do you sleep soundly? How many times do you wake during the night?
  • Do you know if you snore?
  • How do you feel when you wake up? Are you short of breath?
  • Do you fall asleep easily during the day?
  • Has anyone ever told you that you stop breathing while you’re sleeping?
  • Are you short of breath when you wake up at night?
  • Do you have heart problems? Have you suffered a stroke?
  • What medications are you taking?

What You Can Do

Treatment Options for Central Sleep Apnea
  • Bring results of prior sleep studies or other tests with you, or ask that they be given to your sleep specialist.
  • Ask someone, such as a spouse or partner, who has seen you sleeping to come with you to your appointment. He or she will likely be able to provide your doctor with additional information.
  • Write down any symptoms you’re experiencing, including any that may seem unrelated to the reason for which you scheduled the appointment.
  • Write down key personal information, including any major stresses or recent life changes.
  • Make a list of all medications, vitamins or supplements that you’re taking.
  • Write down questions to ask your doctor.

Your time with your doctor may be limited, so preparing a list of questions will help you make the most of your time together. For central sleep apnea, some basic questions to ask your doctor include:

  • What’s the most likely cause of my symptoms?
  • Are there other possible causes for my symptoms?
  • What kinds of tests do I need? Do these tests require any special preparation?
  • Is this condition temporary or long lasting?
  • What treatments are available, and which do you recommend?
  • How will treating or not treating my central sleep apnea affect my health now and in the future?
  • I have other health conditions. How can I best manage these conditions together?
  • Are there any brochures or other printed material that I can take home with me? What websites do you recommend visiting?

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What Causes Sleep Apnea

Central sleep apnea occurs when your brain is unable to send effective signals to the muscles involved in breathing.

While you sleep, and particularly during rapid eye movement sleep, output from the respiratory drive is reduced. In some cases, the brain may struggle to communicate with the sleep muscles during this time, resulting in pauses in breathing or shallow breathing.

Pauses in breathing are characteristic of central apnea, while shallow breathing is known as central hypopnea.

Central Vs Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Both central sleep apnea and obstructive sleep apnea are characterized by periodic pauses in breathing during sleep. However, breathing stops in different ways depending on the kind of sleep apnea a person has.

Obstructive sleep apnea involves a physical blockage of the airway that either partially or completely stops breathing despite a persons efforts to breathe.9 It is often accompanied by snoring, with periods of quiet when breathing is interrupted.9

Central sleep apnea, on the other hand, does not involve a physical blockage of the airway.5 Instead, there are periods in whichairflow stops because a persons body does not attempt to breathe.

There is also a condition called mixed or complex sleep apnea, which occurs when central sleep apnea and obstructive sleep apnea occur simultaneously.

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Effects On Oxygenation Respiratory Events And Sleepiness

Table 2 summarizes the effects of the different treatment modalities on AHI, SpO2 and arousal events studied by 6 RCTs. The respiratory disturbances occurring during the nighttime in OSA patients were measured using AHI, respiratory disturbance index , or SDB events. When CPAP was compared with O2, CPAP was significantly more effective in reducing AHI, while O2 was shown to be more effective in elevating the mean SpO2 and mean nadir SpO2 during hypoxemic events. Both CPAP and O2 improved the oxygenation as compared to placebo CPAP this effect was statistically significant . Four studies showed that CPAP versus O2 therapy was more effective in improving the arousal events/total arousal index, but we could not pool the arousal events for the meta-analysis because of insufficient data.

The effects of CPAP and oxygen supplementation on the daytime somnolence was evaluated by 2 studies.23,24 In one study, nasal CPAP was more effective in improving objectively measured daytime sleepiness than oxygen. This effect was apparent due to the significant efficacy of CPAP in lengthening the multiple sleep latency test time compared to baseline.23 Similarly, another study showed the effectiveness of CPAP in reducing Ep-worth Sleepiness Scale score however, it was not statistically different from placebo-CPAP or supplemental oxygen.24

Monitoring Your Blood Oxygen Levels

Oxygen Delivery Devices, Hypoxemia/Hypoxia, Sleep Apnea – Med-Surg – Respiratory

If your doctor discovers that your blood oxygen level is less than about 90% during the day , then your oxygen levels are probably dropping during the night. This means that you have sleep apnea, or other respiratory disorders, like UARS.

Your doctor may recommend overnight monitoring of your oxygen levels using am oximeter. In a sleep study, you usually have the oximeter attached on the finger.

You can use a portable oxygen saturation monitor or oximeter, a cool little device that can record your sleep apnea oxygen level and pulse rate during sleep. A medical approved oximeter is truly a great tool to see how well CPAP is working for you.

A tip before buying an oximeter: you would do well to invest in a recording oximeter with software. You can upload your data in a computer, and you can go to your sleep specialist with the results.

See an example in the followingvideo:

For more info about sleep study for sleep apnea, see sleep studies.

So, if you have a low blood oxygen level, follow up with the sleep study as soon as possible.

Continued drops in O2 levels will cause damage to cognitive function, short term memory, stroke and heart attack in your sleep, and a host of other problems.

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Sleep Quality And Symptoms

There was a significant difference in arousal index across treatments . Pairwise comparisons between treatments are shown in Table 1.

There were significant differences in non-rapid eye movement stage 1 sleep across treatments but no statistically significant differences were detected in percent NREM stage 2, stage 3, or rapid eye movement sleep.

There was no significant difference between no treatment, ASV, or supplemental oxygen on the AMS score recorded on the evening following treatment . There was also no significant difference between no treatment, ASV, or supplemental oxygen on the Stanford Sleepiness Scale .

How Is Csa Treated

Your doctor will recommend treatments depending on the specific cause of your child’s CSA. If prematurity is the cause, is often the treatment until the child’s breathing matures. A second sleep study is often done as the child grows to reassess breathing and to make sure the child is outgrowing CSA.

For children who have neurological problems causing the CSA, the treatment is often to assist breathing at night with oxygen. Continuous positive airway pressure or bi-level positive air pressure therapy can help a child regulate their breathing, by delivering air pressure through a nasal mask while they are sleeping.

Some children have trouble learning to wear a mask all night. Those children may need assistance to tolerate PAP therapy. We have a desensitization program for these patients to help them learn to sleep with PAP therapy:

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Symptoms Of Central Sleep Apnea

If youre wondering whether you suffer from this disorder or not, consider the following central sleep apnea symptoms:

  • You or someone else have noticed clear stops and irregularities in your breathing during sleep
  • You tend to wake up suddenly due to the lack of oxygen
  • Breathing properly is difficult until you sit up straight
  • You suffer from insomnia
  • During the day, you feel very sleepy and tired
  • You feel the pain in your chest when you go to bed
  • Its challenging for you to concentrate
  • You suffer from mood swings and morning headaches
  • Youve started snoring more obviously
  • Tolerance for physical activity is very low

Keep in mind that snoring loudly doesnt have to be a sign of central sleep apnea per se. Its much more common in patients with obstructive sleep apnea or other disorders involving airflow obstructions. If you notice the first five above-listed symptoms continuously, you should seek medical help.

How Do Doctors Diagnose Central Sleep Apnea

Sleeping Man (Profile) With CPAP And Oxygen Stock Photo

To diagnose central sleep apnea, your doctor will take a full medical history and carry out a physical examination. They will then likely refer you for a polysomnogram.

Polysomnography is a sleep study that usually takes place overnight in a sleep clinic. During the test, the somnologist will monitor your:

  • breathing patterns
  • oxygen levels
  • carbon dioxide levels

They will also record how many apneas and hypopneas you experience during the test. For a diagnosis of central sleep apnea, you will typically experience at least five apneas or hypopneas per hour.

Learn more about how doctors diagnose sleep apnea.

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How Is Central Sleep Apnea Diagnosed

A definitive diagnosis of CSA is made using an in-lab polysomnography, which is a detailed sleep study that measures breathing, respiratory effort, electrocardiogram, heart rate, oxygen, eye movement activity, muscle activity, and electrical activity of the brain during an overnight stay in a sleep clinic.

Because central sleep apnea can be tied to several health problems, a healthcare provider may also recommend other tests, such as a brain scan or an echocardiogram of the heart to determine the underlying cause.

Anyone who has noticed potential symptoms of central sleep apnea should speak with a doctor who can review their situation and determine if any diagnostic testing is appropriate.

Can Central Sleep Apnea Be Cured

While certain risk factors for central sleep apnea, such as age and gender, cannot be helped, there are some that you may have more control over, including opioid and CPAP use. However, it is vital to consult with your doctor to find a safe and appropriate alternative to reduce your chances of CSA.

Completely getting rid of central sleep apnea is likely dependent on the underlying issue that is causing it. While some central sleep apnea cases may not entirely go away, treatments should help you attain a safer, more peaceful nights rest.

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How Does Sleep Apnea Oxygen Level Affect The Body

Any value of blood oxygen level bellow 92% is abnormal. However, the number of desaturations and the time spent with abnormal oxygen levels is important.

For example, if you only desaturated below 92% once or twice during a 7 hour sleep, and the desaturation level lasted only a couple of seconds, it’s not a reason for worry.

Your body will be seriously affected when you’ll have long term low oxygen levels. This can lead to:

  • heart rhythm problems,
  • stroke.

Increasing the pressure on the right side of the heart

The right side of the heart has the role of pumping blood through the lungs, which requires a much lower pressure.

A higher pressure can lead to severe fluid buildup in the body that can cause life-threatening shortness of breath, heart failure and even death.

Please call your doctor urgently if you experience chest pain or shortness of breath that is not relieved by rest.

Other Types Of Sleep Apnea: Mixed And Complex Sleep Apnea

Colorado Has One Of The Highest Cases Of Central Sleep Apnea

Other classifications of sleep apnea can also be used. Mixed apnea refers to events that are both central and obstructive in nature. Typically, the apnea will begin as central and then an airway obstruction will follow.3 Complex apnea typically refers to central events that arise only after positive airway pressure therapy is applied.4

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Csas Due To Medical Condition Not Cheyne Stokes: Esrd

CSAS can also occur with diseases and conditions other than congestive heart failure such as end-stage renal disease . Since there are only 4 studies, all using different treatments, and all having significant limitations, the quality of evidence is very low. This precluded conducting a meta-analysis. The treatments fell into 2 groups: ventilatory and dialysis .

In a non-randomized study, Kumagai et al. reported on the effect of oxygen in 11 peritoneal dialysis patients with sleep apnea syndrome. The nocturnal average oxygen saturation and minimum nocturnal oxygen saturation improved significantly. The AHI decreased from 31.1 ± 8.8 to 12.7 ± 8.5/h, and the central apnea index decreased from 4.0 ± 4.0 to 0.8 ± 1.2/h with oxygen. The authors note that the greatest effect of oxygen was on central apneas and hypopneas with little effect on obstructive apneas. In a non-randomized treatment study without blinded scoring, Pressman et al. reported the effect of 1 night of CPAP on 6 renal failure patients with CSAS and mixed apneas. CPAP was effective reducing the overall AHI and improving oxygen saturation.

Normal And Abnormal Blood Oxygen Levels During Sleep

Low sleep apnea oxygen level is a sign that your treatment for sleep apnea is not effective.

Patients with breathing problems during sleep often have low oxygen levels in their blood.

Keep in mind that anything below 90% oxygen level is dangerous to your body and require intervention. Another thing to consider is that the brain can only survive 4 minutes once oxygen is completely cut off.

In this page you’ll learn:

  • What should your oxygen level be during sleep,
  • How sleep apnea affects the oxygen levels in your blood,
  • How oxygen levels affect your body,
  • The link between pregnancy and low oxygen levels in obese women,
  • How to monitor oxygen saturation levels,
  • What is the best finger oximeter to monitor blood oxygen levels,
  • How to treat sleep apnea oxygen level.

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A Bpap Therapy In A Spontaneous Timed Mode Targeted To Normalize The Apnea Hypopnea Index May Be Considered For The Treatment Of Csas Related To Chf Only If There Is No Response To Adequate Trials Of Cpap Asv And Oxygen Therapies

Values and Trade-offs: There were a limited number of studies that examined the effectiveness of BPAP in the treatment of CSAS/CSR. ST mode was used more frequently compared with spontaneous mode in the available studies. The level of evidence for BPAP with spontaneous mode is comprised only of 1 trial that met inclusion criteria. Therefore, no recommendation can be made for this mode of BPAP until further evidence is available. BPAP-ST therapy offers many of the same advantages as CPAP therapy, such as low risk and easy availability. BPAP-ST may be considered only in those who fail CPAP, ASV, and oxygen therapy, as these latter options have substantially more evidence supporting their use. BPAP-ST is a form of noninvasive ventilation that requires specialized expertise. The cost is approximately $1900 compared with $400-$1000 for CPAP. The paucity of data allows only an OPTION level of recommendation at this time.

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